Spring Musings: Reflecting on the New Season

Spring Musings: Reflecting on the New Season

There’s something in the air, as they say.

It’s slowly changing and every now and again, a warm breeze caresses our skin and inspires a feeling of hope inside. The white blanket of winter slowly sinks into the ground and mounds of old snow brown with age. Tiny green buds impatiently poke their heads out of naked branches and reach eagerly towards the sun. Birds return from wintering in the warmth and busy themselves with collecting sustenance and building homes nestled within any nook and cranny they can find.

Brave flowers triumphantly arise from the frozen dirt and display their vibrant colors to the delight of eyes eager for any sign that winter might actually end after all.

The butterflies are busily making their transformation from bug to beauty and the bees are scheming within their hives.

Small woodland creatures traipse, hop, and scurry to and fro across their stomping ground and enrapture those who catch a glimpse of their mischief. Our animals shed their winter coats and make spring cleaning a necessity, and for some, a joy.

The frozen shells of our homes are cracked open, welcoming the intoxicating drafts to blow through the windows and the doors.

Some dare to venture out coat-less and may even don a sundress and some sandals, emerging from our cold weather cocoons to play outdoors on the earthen floor once again.

Temperatures creep up daily and the sun remains in the sky longer and longer each evening beckoning us to stay out late. Grand plans are made for the warmer weather, all of which take place out in nature. Beach trips, mountain hikes, bike rides, and long, lazy days on the lake all make their way onto the calendar. Dreams of strawberry picking and walks in the warm steamy rain occupy our waking thoughts.


Spring personifies new beginnings and fresh starts.

Death transforming back into life and a bewitching feeling that anything is possible.

It’s a time of sacred holidays, rollicking parades, spirited festivals, and endless celebrations. Creativity is sparked and the dark shadows of winter are illuminated by the reawakening of the earth and all its creatures. We are utterly spellbound by this sprightly season.

Yes, spring has most certainly sprung here in Strasburg.

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Allegro Winery

Allegro Winery

Strasburg Winery by Allegro Allegro Winery is a cornerstone partner of the Strasburg Shoppes at Centre Square. Carl Helrich, Winemaker and owner of...

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