New Years: Five Resolutions Worth Keeping

Five New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping

Every year we resolve to be better versions of ourselves. We promise that we’ll try harder, do better, be more successful…but inevitably, as the shine of the new year wears off, so does our desire to honor our word. Some resolutions are easier to keep than others, and a few are more like life changes than a shallow new year promise.

Read on to learn five great “resolutions” (aka life changes) that will serve you well in the new year and for a lifetime.

1. Be Kinder

Things have been kind of rough lately. Not sure if you’ve noticed. The world is a hot mess and it’s nearly impossible to avoid hearing and seeing the bad news at every turn. It’s easy to be grumpy and discouraged because of it. We tend to live inside our own heads and try to hide from the noise and darkness that surrounds us. But if we all woke up and lived mindfully, blessing others with our goodwill and smiling face, life might get a little brighter and happier for everyone. Kindness goes a long way.

2. Simplify Your Life

Cut the clutter. Ask yourself if you really need those bins of CDs from college. Or your favorite high school t-shirts. Is it necessary to have 30 drinking glasses in your cabinet when only three people live in your house? Pare down. Part ways with the “stuff” and see how much lighter you feel mentally and emotionally. Donate, sell, or toss unwanted and unnecessary items several times per year for best results.

3. Serve Others

It’s not all about us. It’s about everyone else. True happiness comes with giving our time and money to others in need. Google local charities and narrow down which you’d like to contribute to. Contact them to discover their volunteer policy, roll up your sleeves, and get to serving. You’ll get so much more out of it than you give!

4. Learn a New Skill

Always wanted to learn how to play the guitar? Wish you had a black belt in karate? Have a love for sailing? Then what are you waiting for? The years are slipping by and unless you take action, you’ll never pick up a new skill until you take the leap and go for it. Keep it simple. One new skill at a time. You can finish the new year knowing you’re all the wiser.

5. Explore the World

Much like learning a new skill, traveling to new places is something you shouldn’t put off. Take all the money you make from selling your clutter and put it into a travel fund. Look online for great deals to get you to where you want to go on the cheap. Spread your wings and go!


New year’s resolutions are great. We should all try to improve with each passing year. But, some resolutions can be unrealistic, self-punishing, or just plain depressing. Stick with some or all of the aforementioned life changes and level up this year.

Amish Education

Amish Education

The month of September always signals “back to school”, and we thought we’d share with you how education in the Amish communities of Lancaster County differs from conventional educational systems and institutions. But, first, a little history.

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